Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Goal for Saturday Night



Here's the goal team: We're shooting for a 125 people for the Saturday night dinner. As you can see, we're at 62 now (and trending upward). Don't get us wrong, if it's just us 62 together, then we're gonna have a good time, but we'd like to see a lot more old friends as well. Folks, we're the ones that have to make this happen. There is no secret slush fund saved up for the reunion. It's on us to come together and throw our own party.

Based on the early excitement around the reunion, it seemed to make sense to think we could get 125 grads and their dates down to Caras Park for a fun night. Perhaps we were wrong. Hey, we know you're busy. Heck, Casquilho is on the planning committee, and he hasn't even (Scratch that. He got unbusy) signed up yet---but he's gonna. Let's do it, or in the words of our cheerleaders:

"P-U-T-I-T-I-N    PUT--IT--IN!"

Your Loving Reunion Committee


  1. I don't want to sound nit-picky, but I believe the cheer was actually: "P-U-T-I-T-I-N PUT IT IN" Sure, it was meant to apply to free throws. But it does seem appropriate here. And it is a great cheer.

  2. Chris and his wife Athena and their 2.666 year old boy Lev are all signed up.
